How you found me here ;-)

Yajelle sells handmade soaps and homemade body sugar scrubs that are designed with natural colors and have minimal fragrances / scents / aromas. I started making my own soaps a few years ago after reading all the ingredients that I never paid attention to in the commercial soaps I was using. Some of those soaps were also a bit harsh on my skin.

To start a bit earlier...I actually got curious about making my own soap, bought a bottle of lye (sodium hydroxide) to start, but then left that activity on the back burner. Around 2020, when I was trying to find things to keep myself busy, I revisited the idea of soap making. I also like being able to put my hands to something and have it materialize. I decided that I wanted to know exactly what is in the soaps I use on my body everyday. Still a bit skeptical that I could actually make my own soap, the first soap I made was a plain, rough rustic, brick white bar which I com-plete-ly adored- there's nothing wrong with simplicity. Since then, I never looked back!

Simply, I just enjoy looking at, holding and using a plain, rustic, rugged bar of soap (speak to me hot processed soaps!). Something about using soap in its most basic form warms my heart. It just happened that I got so excited that I was actually able to make my own soap that I wanted to challenge myself to see what else I could come up with. I was inspired to be more creative, so for about the first year, I made soaps non-stop- trying different colors, designs, oils and butters! I always used natural powders to color, that was a personal choice- I wanted to keep my soaps as close to simple and without 'artificial' colors and ingredients. I enjoyed creating with natural colors that I also felt comfortable using myself. So for those of you who prefer simple bars of handmade soap with no fragrance / scents and even without color, I'm so glad you came by. For those who don't mind their soaps with designs and subtle fragrances, I thought of you too.

All handmade soaps, sugar scrubs and simple body lotions are made with natural colors and well known and favorite ingredients such as coconut oil, sweet almond oil, mango butter and shea butter. I hope you will find your self care regimen in the YAJELLE store. Thank you so much for stopping by ;-)

Chris (she)